VOP CZ, s.p.
Dukelská 102, 742 42 Šenov u Nového Jičína
ID No.: 00000493, Tax ID No.: CZ00000493
Tel.: +420 556 783 111
E-mail: vop@vop.cz
E-mail invoicing address: fakturace@vop.cz
The whistleblower may report the infringement of the law by sending an email to: oznameni@vop.cz
Data box: rkga8r5
Gatehouse for entry of cargo vehicles:
49.615362, 17.993332
Gatehouse for visitors to the company:
49.611534, 17.994605
Director of Projects and Development
Tel.: +420 556 783 301
Head of the Strategic Procurement Department
Tel.: +420 556 783 532
Head of the Operational Procurement Department
Tel.: +420 556 783 616
Audit Committee VOP CZ, s.p.:
Mgr. Ing. Jiří Viktorin, MBA Chairman of the Audit Committee
prof. Ing. Renáta Hótová, Dr. Member of the Audit Committee